I have wanted to start my own blog ever since I could remember. However, going to school full time trying to finish my bachelor's degree, while trying to find a passion for fitness and a healthy life style doesn't leave much downtime. I finally just decided to go ahead and do it.
A little background about me. One day in 2008 I woke up, walked downstairs to eat breakfast, stepped on the scale just to "see" and came to the realization that I had let myself balloon to 187lbs. For my 5'6" frame, I was huge. I wore a size 15 in juniors and there was no denying my need for help any longer. I immediately asked my friend Janis to join weight watchers with me. She joined with me, and we began counting points on everything we ate. I realized I had no concept of portion control or what healthy food was.That first week on weigh watchers, I gained 3 lbs. Greaaatttttt. Our leader talked to us about this different type of program that they offered called "The Core Plan". We were allowed to eat anything that wasn't processed. Any fruits, veggies, lean meats that we wanted! The only stipulation is that we needed to listen to our bodies and realize when we were "satisfied". After 6 months on weight watchers, I got down to 165 lbs and a size 9.