Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My first WIAW :)

Yayyyy! I love reading other blogs to see what they ate every Wednesday.... Is that weird? I'm not a stalker, I just love seeing what other clean eats my favorite bloggers are having. It gives me inspiration and motivation to be a better cook! So, I finally jumped on the WIAW train. Enjoy :)

 For breakfast, I had overnight protein oats. They were DELICIOUS and so filling! My stomach usually lets me know when it's been 2 1/2 hours. I'm hungry like clockwork. However, today was pretty busy at work and when I finally looked at the clock it had been 3 1/2 hours since breakfast and I still wasn't hungry. I ate anyways. :)

 It had oats, 1T chia seeds, 2T flax seed, MRM protein powder, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, vanilla and cinnamon. Topped with 1T of peanut butter. YUM.

Drank with delicious and much needed coffee

My next meal was 1c. lowfat cottage cheese with 1/4c. of blueberries

Meal 3 was a spinach salad with chicken, broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and 1 oz of fat free feta with 1 rice cake

If meal 4 looks familiar, it should. It's the exact same thing as meal 3...cause I'm boring like that. ;)

After work, Matt and I hit the gym to kill back and cardio. We tried a new gym today that I LOVED. It had so much equipment that our gym doesn't have and they had 2 pieces of almost every machine. We were both able to workout at the same time and got our workout done alot quicker today. I'm trying to talk Matt into switching our gym membership over.  We came home starving, so I whipped up a quick meal. It had mushrooms, asparagus, tomatoes, onions, chicken, avocado, and a smidgen of goat cheese.

Meal 6 is always my favorite meal of the day. Matt is the smoothie king in our house and always makes an amazing protein or casein shake to end the night. I feel like I'm having an ice cream shake.I have no idea what's in it.. but it was delicious and perfect to drink while watching chopped.

On a different note: I am completely obsessed with this song. Can't stop playing it.


  1. I like that you are showing me your daily meals although breakfast looks.....interesting....what kind of dressing if any are you putting on your salads? Is the broccoli raw or blanched in your salads and I would like to know what is in that protein drink. As far as the video and song...rockin' baby! Signed: your biggest fan.

  2. Dear Anonymous, if that really IS your name. Lol. I typically don't use any dressing and just try to incorporate as many flavors as I can into the salad so I don't miss it. If I still need a little something something, I'll throw some hot sauce on top. The broccoli in my salads is cooked, but raw would be equally as good. However, I prefer to gross Matt out every morning with the smell of broccoli cooking. ;) our protein shakes usually consist of protein powder (MRM vanilla) with unsweetened almond milk, and a fruit of some sort. Hope this helps!

  3. I think I need to get in on this WIAW action. Maybe in a couple weeks! Your dinner looks particularly delicious-- goat cheese + avo, noms!
